Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Jordana-Pink Lilac

Hello friends and aliens from afar! I hope everyone's been having a good week so far. I know I have! My parents are finally letting me sleep past 11 and it's pretty awesome! Usually they're waking me up at like 9 going "get up already it's late!!!!!" I've been catching up on lot's of TV shows, Angel, Buffy, and I get a chance to start Battlestar Galactica, which I've been wanting to watch for a really long time! God I'm nerdy.
Today's polish is one I picked up from my local drugstore, because it was super cheap, Jordana-Pink Lilac. I don't love Jordana polishes because the formulas tend to be icky, but they are very inexpensive, and I didn't have a color quite like Pink Lilac in my collection yet.
Pink Lilac is a nice pink/salmon polish. I actually really like salmon colors, which is probably why I bought it. I also chose to get Pink Lilac because it looked like it had sort of a jelly finish, and I love jellies.This is a little opaque for a jelly, it's sort of like a half jelly finish, but I really like it!
The formula is very interesting on this. On the first coat it was REAAALLLLLLYY sheer and I wanted to cry because I thought it would take like 50 coats to get it opaque. But the thing is, this polish BUILDS really nicely! So on the first coat there was like barely any color on the nail, but when I put on the second coat it was like BAM basically opaque! I only needed 3 coats in total to get it to my preference of opacity! How cool is that?!
Overall I'm actually quite happy with this color. I don't love pink, but this color isn't so bad! It's kinda muted, it's not like an in-your-face pink. I can see myself using this on Valentine's Day and stuff.
Jordana polishes retail for like $1.99 in drug stores. It may be different in different places, but basically they're really cheap.
That's all I have for today thanks for reading everyone!

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