Sunday, January 26, 2014

OPI-Push & Shove

Hello my fellow friends and nail enthusiasts! Today's special polish is OPI-Push and Shove, and not only is it *amazing*, but it also marks my 200th nail polish! I've seen this polish around ALOT, on lot's of other blogs and stuff, everyone's got something to say! Keep reading to see what I think of it!

First off, this polish is not nearly as streaky as it looks in these pictures. I don't know why they all came out that way! Push and Shove is a bright silver metallic chrome polish. It came out as a special polish with OPI's Gwen Stefani collection. And boy is this special!
It comes with a mini bottle of base coat, called Lay Down That Base. It's highly recommended that you use that base for this polish. I had also read that using Seche Vite top coat as a base works well. I ended up putting one coat of Lay Down That Base followed by one coat of Seche Vite. 
Because it's a chrome polish the formula is a little tricky. I'm wearing 2 medium-thin coats. It's important not to glob it on too thick, but also not to apply your coats too thin, or it'll just drag off (ask me how I know). Sure the formula's a little finicky, but it's so worth it!
I mean, this polish is just so freaking shiny! And reflective, it looks like a dipped my nails in a pot of molten silver. Honestly, when I held my nails up to my face I could see my reflection. Look at my thumb, you can see my index finger reflected in it! OMG *dies*
So basically, the formula on this is tricky and might take a couple tries, but it's so worth it in the end for that shiny mirror-y reflecty-ness. This polish doesn't have great wear time, but it's perfect for parties or fancy events! So yea I'm in love with this what can I say? Anyway thanks for reading everyone, see you next time!

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