Friday, July 11, 2014

FIFA World Cup Final-Germany Nails

Yes I finally did them...My WORLD CUP NAILS!! If any of you lovely readers have been on the blog the past couple weeks, you've probably heard me mention the World Cup more than a few times. Well I've been holding out, and the final match if finally coming up on SUNDAY! As I predicted, Germany is competing in the final, and I've been rooting for the German team since day 1. I love the German team, even when they beat the US (what feels like a long time ago in the group stages), I didn't feel badly about it, because the German team is just so superb! So I've decided to show my support on my nails. 

I didn't really know what I wanted to do when I first sat down, but I had my black red and yellow polishes in front of me, and the ideas just started coming. A soccer ball was obvious. I did braid nails because I had three colors, and braids need 3. And then I just went with simple thin stripes, in the order of the German flag, black red yellow. 
All fingers got a base of Butter London-Cheeky Chops (yellow) as a base except the middle finger, which has 3 coats of OPI-My Boyfriend Scales Walls as the base for the soccer ball. The black polish is Milani-Black Swift and the red Essie-She's Pampered. I just used the polish brushes on the pinkies and thumbs for the braid design. Although I totally screwed up my thumbs because I forgot which color went where, and I got distracted, and I was kinda tired, so yeah oops.
I used striping tape to help with the lines on the index and ring fingers. I'm not ashamed at all to say that I'm awful with thin lines. Or thick lines. All sorts of lines. I suck. But that's why they invented striping tape! I then freehanded the soccer ball on my middle fingers. 
These nails actually took a long time, what with waiting for everything to dry (She's Pampered dries frustratingly slowly), and me scrapping some ideas and starting certain nails over completely. I smudged some of the design a bit with topcoat, but for the most part I think everything came out nicely!
I put 2 coats of topcoat and that was it! What do you guys think? Are you rooting for Germany too? Or are we going to have to enemies for the next 2 days...haha I'm just kidding, I like the Argentina team a lot too. I just, like Germany more. Hopefully Germany wins and I'll get to keep these nails on for next week in celebration. 
Haha anyway thanks everyone for reading, come back next time! 

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