Sunday, October 13, 2013

Nail Art-Glitter Pyramids

Hello everybody! Happy long weekend! I love long weekends so much! Anyone have fun plans? I'm getting together with my marching band buds tomorrow to work on our costumes for the Halloween parade! Should be fun. 
So today I've got some cool glittery nail art for you guys! I call them my glitter pyramids, cuz that's exactly what they are. But let me just say...that these nails look SO MUCH BETTER in person than in these pics. My camera just fails at picking up glitter. Also I think he was having a bad day :( My camera and light were just not getting along today...
Anyway this is my awesome blingy manicure for today:
See? Glitter pyramids!

So the first thing I did was pick out my base color, Zoya-Frida 
To be honest the hardest part of this mani was picking out the base color. I'm not kidding, I must have spent at least 10 minutes in front of my boxes of polish trying to find a nice color. But seriously when I picked up Frida I just about had a nailgasm cuz good Lord it was PERFECT. I honestly couldn't have found a better color for this.
Plus it's a jelly and jellies are automatically amazing. I mean, look at that shine!! And that's no topcoat! It looks like I'm wearing jello on my nails...i LOVE IT!!!
This is 3 coats, which I think is the perfect opacity for this polish. AGGHH I'M SO OBSESSED WITH THIS POLISH!!
So after the base it was one thick coat of clear and then I placed the large glitter into the pyramid shape. For some reason the pinkies on both my hands are crooked, but none of the other fingers are. I'm really not sure why. 
Here's my thumb, I did a 5 across myramid on the thumb...just cuz why not
Really the glitter placement was pretty easy, working with large glitter isn't really that hard. God I love glitter placements so much! And like they always look so hard and complicated. I get so many compliments on my glitter placement manis, from like friends and parents of friends and teachers and everything. 
So I used silver holo glitter, with gold holo glitter in an upside down pyramid from the cuticle as accent nails. 

After that it was 2 nice thick generous coats of topcoat to finish it off. I really hope I don't lose any pieces of glitter, although that does tend to happen with large glitter like this. Either that or I tend to pick it off :/
So that's all the glitter I have for today! I've uh gotta get back to watching Lost cuz I watched like 5 episodes yesterday and it was amazing and I think I'm officially addicted now. Damn there goes my entire social life. 
Anyway thanks for reading guys and hope you all enjoy your Monday off!

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